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We love creating fabulous flowers for all kinds of events including beautiful weddings, unforgettable dinner parties and spectacular birthdays. All our arrangements use home-grown flowers whenever possible.

lush and lang wedding flowers


Our wedding flower service is comprehensive and includes bridal bouquets, bridesmaids posies, buttonholes, corsages, cake flowers, table centres, top table designs, pedestal arrangements and marquee designs.


Flowers play an important part in any event. We create floral designs for wedding, anniversaries, corporate events, garden and dinner parties.

Home Grown Flowers

We prefer whenever possible to provide you with our own home grown flowers and greenery. If we have enough notice we’ll even grow to order!

lush and lang event florists

Telephone 07854 316231

Lush & Lang Florists South View, Gillamoor, York YO62 7HX


© Copyright Lush & Lang Florists 2022

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